Thursday 15 April 2010

When is doing something new possibly not the best idea

Last week, I was running late to meet a friend for supper so hailed a cab as I furiously texted to beg forgiveness and to check the address... I was multi-tasking and not really paying attention when I struck up my conversation with my chatty cabby.

He asked whether I was single and we talked about an incident that had happened that day with an ex and how infuriating I had found it (as you will discover in coming weeks, I have a tendency to overshare!). We chatted about exes and the taxi driver said he thought my ex wanted back in... I made it very clear that that wasnt an option and so the conversation then moved on to what next... he offered the suggestion that perhaps a 'rebound' man was the way to go and as I was getting out of the taxi, offered to give me his number should I ever want to get together for sex. I was distracted with gathering my belongings, being late and wondering where the restaurant was that it was only as I was heading down the stairs to meet my friend that I realised what he had just said. I buried in my pocket for the receipt he had given me to see if he had given me his number.... but he had just written down the amount of the fare.

I have to admit, part of me was disappointed - it was an ego boost to have a man want to give me his number but also wasn't sure what I would have done if had given me his number...

Roll on 3 days later in a different part of town, mid afternoon and yet again, I was running late (you can see a theme materialising here) and decided to hail another cab. I got in and gave the cab driver my address when he asked whether I recognised him. Completely bizarrely it was the same guy. He said that he had given me his number and I told him that he had mentioned it but hadnt actually given it to me. I suppose I expected him to follow up on this with some proposition or whatever but he changed the subject and started telling me about his gym routine. When we arrived at mine, this time he did give me his number on a receipt page and asked me to call.


I said at the beginning of the year that if I was offered a new experience, I would follow up on it so friends are trying to persuade me to ring the cab driver and ask him out (a new experience on lots of different levels). Can't decide whether I should do it because it was part of my aspiration for the year or I should be a grown up, throw away his number and just enjoy the compliment. Perhaps being given a cabbie's number was enough of a new experience.

Where do I draw the line with new experiences?

Sunday 11 April 2010

About me....

I blogged, I saved and then realised I had told you nothing about me and you might want to know one or two things...

I live in West London
I work in the City of London as a consultant
I'm good at what I do and I enjoy it (most of the time...)
I am just entering my middle age and suddenly understand why women lie about their age because I certainly don't feel it
I am currently single but playing the field having rediscovered dating
I have a big personality with quiet undertones
My body matches my personality - if I'm being kind to myself then I am very voluptuous and if I'm not, I need to go on a major diet
Thankfully I am also tall which helps when you are a larger woman!
I question myself and others fairly constantly
I am honest, direct and loyal
I have a good, irreverent sense of humour
I am happy to admit that I am middle of the road when it comes to choices of tv, film, plays, music etc. and have given up trying to like the high brow stuff - life's too short to not do what you enjoy just to keep up appearances (well, within reason!)

If you want to know more - watch the blog or comment and ask me a question!

To blog or not to blog....

At the beginning of the year I ran, as I do every year, from the idea of making new year resolutions. Instead, I decided to come up with an aspiration instead.... to try at least one new thing every month for a year.

They don't have to be massive things but they have to be a bit of a stretch.. causing butterflies in the stomach, something to stretch my thinking, going somewhere different, trying someone different... you get the idea.

I've now got to April and I was thinking about ideas for this month and decided to give blogging a go.

Over the next few weeks, I'll bring you up to date on what I've done so far this year but also to share with you what I have thought about and rejected and those things that I am thinking about and looking for ways to achieve. Some of those ideas have an adult nature so if you are easily offended - this might not be the blog for you.

So - welcome to my blog!